Let's PLURK!

What is Plurk?

Noun. plurk (plüer-kh) - A really snazzy site that allows you to showcase the events that make up your life in deliciously digestible chunks. Low in fat, 5 calories per serving, yet chock full of goodness.

Verb. plurk (plüer-kh) - To chronicle the events of your always on, action-packed, storybook, semi-charmed kinda life.

Example use: 'Gee golly, my children are plurking all day long, what's a mother to do?'

Why join them, of course! Yes, Plurk is for everyone. We've taken the time, the complexity, and the deep introspection required out of blogging.

This isn't Billy Q. Poindexter's blog, no, no. Instead, Plurk is an easy way to chronicle and share the things you do, the way you feel, and all the other things in between that make up your life, with the people close to you. It's instant gratification, instant self-indulgence, instant celebrity, instantly YOU. Share your life stream, live your life….Plurk!

Yup! That's Plurk, kind of social networking. This is a little story of mine about plurking
I've just joined Plurk since last month, and been addicted maybe, hehe. It's fun. You can update "what are you doing now?" status everyday and everytime you want. And let your friends know, then they would reply your status. Your friends would greet you in the morning, comment about your activity, give advice about your problem, tease on you too, and so on. It proves that your friends are care about you, hihihi... 
I met my old friend in Plurk, friend when I was in elementary and junior high school and we've never seen for 2 years. Then, in Plurk, I know how he is now, so does he. Hehehe...
(*bagi yang merasa diceritakan di atas, harap memberikan komentar, hahaha...*)
I met my college friends too, although we would meet (almost) everyday, but I could tease them anytime. (*dasar iseng*)
But, Plurk will take your time a little bit, maybe. No Plurking, not up-to-date in gossip. XOXO.
So, why don't you try plurking?

My Plurk


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hooo.. jadi itu arti "plurk" sebenernya.. baru tau gw..hehe.

    sama kek gw,,udah nyandu..haha.

    Bagian yang "I met my old friend in Plurk, friend..." itu gw kn..? buset2,, geer abis gw..hahaha.
    Fianiza Kartawiharja said...
    iya itu dapet dari About page-nya Plurk, jarang kan orang liat.

    yoi, derr! kalo yg itu lo boleh geer, lha emang bener adanya kok, hahaha.

    nyandu..nyandu..plurk..plurk.. :p

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